From medical transcription, to writing up legal proceedings, we can turn our hand to any task within your budget. Our rates are charged per audio minute and we do not add VAT, so there are no hidden extra costs. View our prices for professional transcription services.
Standard Recordings
This service is for non-medical, non-technical, and non-specialist recordings of a high quality.
Narration/Dictation Transcription £1.12 per audio minute
One to Two Speaker Interview £1.12 per audio minute
Focus Groups (up to 6 speakers) £1.21 per audio minute
Focus Groups (more than 6 speakers) £1.29 per audio minute
Technical/Medical/Verbatim Recordings
This service is for verbatim, technical, medical, and difficult to decipher recordings.
Narration/Dictation Transcription £1.21 per audio minute
One to Two Speaker Interview £1.21 per audio minute
Focus Groups (up to 6 speakers) £1.29 per audio minute
Focus Groups (more than 6 speakers) £1.38 per audio minute

How We Decide Our Rates
Lots of factors are considered when arriving at our prices. The best example is that a clear, non-technical, hour-long recording will take four times the recorded length to transcribe. If you then add additional speakers, complex terminology, or badly recorded audio, this increases the time needed to complete our process.
We also spend time proofreading, spell-checking, and referencing your work; all of which is reflected in our price.
Transcription Formats
We can also include extras such as line numbers, timecoding and BITC (Burnt-In Time Codes) which are often requested by our media clients. We provide this at no extra charge.
Time coding incorporates timings inserted into the transcript at fairly regular intervals, depending on your requirements. Time-coding is also particularly helpful for transcripts of interviews as it allows you to jump effortlessly to unclear or inaudible words in your transcript and fill in the correct word, if discernible to you.
If you are unsure about which format you require for your transcripts, please take a look below for further information.
Standard Format
This is an intelligent verbatim transcript which excludes ums and ahs, background noises, repeated words, emotions, and asides but includes half sentences, and repeated short phrases.
Smart Format
This is a transcript which excludes ‘you know’, ‘I mean’, ‘sort of’, ‘kind of’, ‘like’, etc, background noises, emotions, the unnecessary use of ‘right’ and ‘okay’, asides and repeated short phrases but includes half sentences.
Special Instructions Format
This is a transcript tailored to suit your specific requirements, perhaps you require that we do not transcribe names or places so as not to identify the interviewee.
Full Verbatim Format
This is a verbatim transcript, which includes ums and ahs, repeated words, half sentences and background noises. This format is often requested for Court and Police transcription as well as psychological qualitative research.